To cooperate with the government’s Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data Act”), Power Wind Health Industry Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) declares the details of our use and protection of your personal data as follows:
Personal Data Protection and Management Policy
1. Collection, handling and use of your personal data
- The company collects your personal data based on the obligations of the contract to be performed, administrative management, information provision and analysis, as well as other specific purposes that are required for the company’s business activities (for the categories of personal data, please refer to Codes C001, C002, C003 and C011 of “Specific Purposes and Categories of Personal Data in the Personal Data Protection Act” announced by the Ministry of Justice (the personal data cover the name, ID number, date of birth, mailing address, contact information, etc.).
- Your personal data will only be used by the company and its subsidiaries in Taiwan in a legal and reasonable manner for the specific purposes aforesaid. Our utilization period of your personal data is defined as the period necessary for the company’s completion of the specific purposes aforesaid or for the company’s execution of its businesses.
- You may choose whether you would provide the personal data aforesaid to the company. Nevertheless, if the personal data you provide is incomplete, it may affect the implementation of the specific purposes aforesaid, and also affect the related rights and interests subsequently enjoyed by you.
- You shall also agree to take electronic documents as a means of expressing written consent as required by the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws.
2. You rights regarding your personal data
For your rights regarding your personal data, you may inquire by phone (please contact the Service Department of the related branch), or personally visit the Service Department of the related branch in Taiwan to check and read your personal data, make a copy, supplement or correct the data, or request the company to stop collecting, handling, using or deleting your personal data, or stop sending out data or information.
3. Personal Data Protection Policy of the company
Under the Personal Data Protection Policy of the company, we shall try our best to employ reasonable and legal technology and follow the protection procedure in order to protect your personal data. Meanwhile, the company carries out comprehensive management of personal data through organizational management, environmental management and operations management, and also creates a service environment that fully guarantees the security of personal data, so as to eliminate your doubts about leakage of your personal data.
- Management of organization: The company has set up a personal data protection management team internally, established the Regulations of “Management of Personal Data Protection”, planned the procedures for collection, processing and use of personal data, set up emergency procedures and contact person for the subjects of personal data to exercise their rights, conducted personal data education and training for employees, and implemented relevant reward and punishment systems in order to effectively carry out data protection management policies.
- Environmental management: The company implements necessary access control management according to the content and nature of the operation, and properly keeps the storage media of personal data and installs appropriate disaster prevention equipment.
- Operations management: The company defines the scope of personal data, regularly checks the company’s personal data files and establishes a clear list, sets an authentication mechanism, a recording mechanism and a warning mechanism for the related equipment of the operating computer, and regularly tests the effectiveness and stability of the mechanisms aforesaid. Meanwhile, the company properly oversees the entrusted agencies externally. For any measures that may infringe upon your rights and interests, the company shall immediately make improvements upon learning, and welcome corrections to be made at any time from all walks of life. If you have any consultation needs on your personal data, please feel free to contact the Service Department of the related branch of the company and leave your valuable messages, and then we shall assign a specialist to serve you.
The company’s Written Statement for Prohibition of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, Article 7 of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, Article 4 of the Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace formulated by the Ministry of Labor, as well as Article 4 of the Regulations of Sexual Harassment Prevention, the company hereby promulgates this Written Statement for Prohibition of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, and formulates the procedure for handling the complaints of such incidents, so as to provide all employees and dispatched workers of the company a workplace free of sexual harassment. In order to maintain this commitment, the company hereby declares in writing that we absolutely shall not tolerate any of the company’s supervisors of the management level, employees (including job applicants), dispatched workers, customers and third parties to engage in or suffer from the following sexual harassment behaviors. The so-called sexual harassment behaviors specified in this Statement refer to those specified in the provisions of Article 12 of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment.
- An employer (or a high-rank supervisor) explicitly or implicitly makes a sexual request towards an employee (or a job applicant), uses verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with an intent of gender discrimination as an exchange for the establishment, continuance or modification of a labor contract, or as a condition for achieving his/her placement, assignment, compensation, evaluation, promotion, demotion, reward and punishment.
- In the course of an employee executing his or her duties, anyone (including any customer or any third party) makes a sexual request, uses verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with an intent of gender discrimination, causes her (or him) a hostile, intimidating and offensive working environment leading to infringe on or interfere with her (or his) personal dignity, physical liberty, or affects her (or his) job performance.
The behaviors aforesaid include any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual connotation, sexual hint and with relations to sex (or sexual characteristics), display of any pictures, texts and visual materials with sexual connotations or sexual temptations, as well as inappropriate physical touch, etc. When a dispatched worker suffers from a sexual harassment behavior mentioned in this Statement, the incident shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace formulated by the company. All the employees and dispatched workers of the company shall be responsible for helping each other to ensure working in the workplace free of sexual harassment. Once you (a female or a male) feel violated by any of the behaviors aforesaid, or witness and hear such incident happen, you should immediately inform Ms. Annie Xiu-Ling Gong, the Supervisor of the General Management Department, of the incident, so as for the company to handle it appropriately in accordance with the Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace formulated by the company.
The company absolutely prohibits any acts of retaliation against those who report such incidents, those who file such complaints, and those who assist in lodging sexual harassment complaints or investigations. The company shall make in-depth and rapid investigation of the complaints of such incidents, and keep the complainants, the content of the complaints and the handling results as confidential as possible. If a sexual harassment behavior is found to be true (including the case of false accusation), the company shall take appropriate measures to handle the incident, including punishing the perpetrator, and if necessary, even dismissing him/her. In order to strengthen all our employees’ and dispatched workers’ awareness and understanding of such incidents, the company shall regularly provide the relevant lectures and training courses. Our employees and dispatched workers are obliged to attend such lectures and courses. Those who refuse to attend them without reason shall be regarded as being absent from work.
The company encourages all the employees and dispatched workers to use the established internal complaint handling mechanism to resolve such disputes. However, if the employees need additional assistance or want to resolve disputes through other channels, the company shall also try its best to provide assistance.
The company absolutely prohibits any acts of retaliation against those who report such incidents, those who file such complaints, and those who assist in lodging sexual harassment complaints or investigations. The company shall make in-depth and rapid investigation of the complaints of such incidents, and keep the complainants, the content of the complaints and the handling results as confidential as possible. If a sexual harassment behavior is found to be true (including the case of false accusation), the company shall take appropriate measures to handle the incident, including punishing the perpetrator, and if necessary, even dismissing him/her. In order to strengthen all our employees’ and dispatched workers’ awareness and understanding of such incidents, the company shall regularly provide the relevant lectures and training courses. Our employees and dispatched workers are obliged to attend such lectures and courses. Those who refuse to attend them without reason shall be regarded as being absent from work.
The company encourages all the employees and dispatched workers to use the established internal complaint handling mechanism to resolve such disputes. However, if the employees need additional assistance or want to resolve disputes through other channels, the company shall also try its best to provide assistance.
第 一 條
第 二 條
第 三 條
- 以性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,對其他員工造成敵意性、脅迫性或冒犯性之工作環境,侵犯或干擾其人格尊嚴、人身自由或影響其工作表現。
- 主管對下屬或求職者以明示或暗示之性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,做為勞務契約成立、存續、變更或分發、配置、報酬、考績、陞遷、降調、獎懲之交換條件。
第 四 條
- 不適當之凝視、觸摸、擁抱、親吻、嗅聞他人身體任何部位;強行使他人對自己身體任何部位為之,亦同。
- 寄送、留置、展示或播送性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之文字、圖畫、聲音、影像或其他物品。
- 反覆或持續違反意願之跟隨或追求行為。
第 五 條
第 六 條
- 員工應接受工作場所性騷擾防治之教育訓練。
- 擔任主管職務以及參與性騷擾申訴事件之處理、調查及決議人員,每年應定期接受相關教育訓練。
第 七 條 本公司於知悉性騷擾之情形時,將採取下列立即有效之糾正及補救措施:
- 考量申訴人意願,採取適當之隔離措施,避免申訴人受性騷擾情形再度發生,並不得對申訴人之薪資等勞動條件作不利之變更。
- 對申訴人提供或轉介諮詢、醫療或心理諮商、社會福利資源及其他必要之服務。
- 啟動調查程序,對性騷擾事件之相關人員進行訪談或適當之調查程序。
- 被申訴人具權勢地位,且情節重大,於進行調查期間有先行停止或調整職務之必要時,得暫時停止或調整被申訴人之職務;經調查未認定為性騷擾者,停止職務期間之薪資,應予補發。
- 性騷擾行為經查證屬實,將視情節輕重對行為人為適當之懲戒或處理。情節重大者,本公司得依性別平等工作法第十三條之一第二項規定,不經預告終止勞動契約。
- 如經證實有惡意虛構之事實者,亦對申訴人為適當之懲戒或處理。
- 訪談相關人員,就相關事實進行必要之釐清及查證。
- 告知被害人得主張之權益及各種救濟途徑,並依其意願協助其提起申訴。
- 對相關人員適度調整工作內容或工作場所。
- 依被害人意願,提供或轉介諮詢、醫療或心理諮商處理、社會福利資源及其他必要之服務。
第 八 條
- 以書面、傳真、口頭或其他電子資料傳輸方式,通知他方雇主共同協商解決或補救辦法。
- 保護當事人之隱私及其他人格法益。
第 九 條
第 十 條
- 申訴人姓名、服務單位及職稱、住居所、聯絡電話、申訴日期。
- 有法定代理人或委任代理人者,其姓名、住居所、聯絡電話;委任者,應檢附委任書。
- 申訴之事實內容及相關證據。
- 性騷擾申訴事件之案由,包括當事人敘述。
- 調查訪談過程紀錄,包括日期及對象。
- 事實認定及理由。
- 處理建議。
申訴單位 總管理處/龔秀玲副總
申訴專線 07-3488000